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Outreach and Fellowship

We are like a family at Cape May Lutheran Church and fellowship is of great importance to our congregation.  

Men's Group

The men's group meets for fellowship events and road trips, but we also maintain the property and grounds at Cape May Lutheran. We are located in the buffer zone of a fresh water wetland, so sharing our space with thousands of birds, animals, and insects takes a great deal of hard work, thought, and care.

Fellowship Meals


We come together for a common meal often and offer a coffee hour each week after the  Sunday 10am service.  We also share a soup supper or pot-luck each Wednesday during Lent. 


Women of the Church

We have a very active woman's group which meets on the first Monday of each month from September through June. They meet for fellowship and education, but are also a major source of financial support for our missions. Barbara Duus greets all members and visitors alike every Sunday morning selling Acme and ShopRite gift cards as a weekly major fundraiser.  WOTC held their annual "Yard Sale" on June 2 & 3 after a couple year hiatus due to Covid. It was a big success! There is also a Christmas Bazaar in late November or early December.  Both feature crafts, gently used treasures and food!

A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Call Now: 1-609-884-2181

Welcome to Cape May

Lutheran Church


509 Pittsburg Ave. Cape May, NJ 08204

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